Electric curtain track (SOMFY-FRANCE)

Electric curtain track (SOMFY-FRANCE)

Classic designs with modern innovation

Create the perfect atmosphere in your home with Somfy’s motorised curtains. Available in a wide choice of fabrics and colours, our automatised drapery plays a significant role in the comfort and privacy of your home. Somfy can give you complete automated control of your curtains with an electric drapery track. This is available with a central or side opening and blends in discreetly with your interior design. Create your ideal ambience with the convenience of a comfortable home.

Motorised drapery tracks let you open and close your curtains with one click. Our clever solutions give you control of your home’s lighting levels and ensures your complete privacy.

Your Benefits

  • With a Somfy timer, you can program your curtains to automatically close at dusk, giving you a more peaceful and private home.
  • A sun sensor on the front of your building can automatically control your electric curtains, protecting your furniture from UV damage and keeping your home comfortably cool.
  • A sturdy, attractive and quiet motor.
  • Gentle and smooth operation. Thanks to the flawless functions of your Somfy motor, your curtains are protected.
  • Simply pull on the drapery, as you would with a manual curtain, and the motor will automatically take over.
  • Compatible with all Somfy RTS products.
  • The "MY" function on your Somfy remote control lets you set your favourite position, for instant recall at the click of a button.
  • The clever Glydea range offers you a motor that can adapt to suit your needs.